Wednesday, February 12, 2020

The Unthinkable

The Unthinkable

The unthinkable, but under the circumstances not the unimagined, has started. Mr. Trump has started a political purge the likes of which has not been seen in the United States. Yes, it happens all the time in third world countries, but it has NEVER happened in the United States.

Mr. Trump has started his political purge with the removal of the Vindmans and Sonderland with still more promised. He just recently nominated US Attorney Jesse Liu to Under Secretary of the US Treasury and then abruptly with drew the nomination with no stated reason. However, Ms. Liu had been overseeing the criminal investigation of Andrew McCabe, former acting FBI director when she was nominated, and her replacement was announced. In retrospect, it would appear to have been a orchestrated maneuver to remove someone that was not doing his bidding.

Then we have Michael Flynn who was to be sentenced to six months in jail based on a recommendation by the Department of Justice attorneys assigned to the case when suddenly, the DOJ turned around and recommended probation after Mr. Trump interceded. Now, he has done it again, though he denies it, with Roger Stone. The US Attorney’s assigned the case (all five of them) recommended that Mr. Stone get 7-9 years after being found guilty on several accounts. But when Mr. Trump expressed his displeasure, the DOJ in Washington changed its recommendations leaving it up to the judge but noting the previous recommendation was excessive.

As usual, Mr. Trump is denying he asked for action, but let us be real about it. Mr. Trump has already taken action against a number of people that refused to do his bidding and instead stand up for the values of the United States, and they got ‘fired.’ It is not beyond imagination that Attorney General Barr sees the writing on the wall and figured that since Mr. Trump expressed his displeasure over the sentence recommendation of Mr. Stone, that if he didn’t do something, he would be next in line. Fear has ruled the office of President and the DOJ – and many other departments – and has become a recipe for democratic disaster.

If Americans are so stupid to re-elect Mr. Trump to the office of President, they deserve everything that follows. Hopefully, however, reason will prevail and if Mr. Trump is re-elected, then hopefully enough people will have the common sense to put enough democrats in the House and Senate to provide veto proof legislation. Congress needs to take back its role as one of the three co-equal branches of government. If it doesn’t, then it will be equality to blame for what comes next.

I fear for what the future holds for the United States if reason and love of country is set aside for love of the party. The recipe has already been written and used numerous times throughout history and all we need to do is look to Russia, China, Korea, etc. to see what could lie in our future.

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