Saturday, February 8, 2020

So, the impeachment of Donald Trump is over with…or is it?

So, the impeachment of Donald Trump is over with…or is it?

History will record the last 3 weeks as democracy that has failed. It failed because 52 republican senators violated their oath of office and violated their oath to be an impartial jury during the impeachment “trail.” For the first time in the history of the United States an impeachment called no witnesses and did not subpoena documents in order to ferret out the truth of guilt or innocence.  They let the head of the republican party bully and intimidate them to erode their integrity and violate their oath.

Like a dictator that has risen to power, Mr. Trump has started the purge of his staff. Replacing those individuals that saw that their oath of office and the principles of the United States of American were more important that any party, any person in office, and their jobs. This is a president that now feels impowered, like so many dictators in history, to do whatever he wants to do. If he feels it is in the national interest, he could suspend the constitution – do what ever he wants because MOST republicans don’t have any balls to stand up to him or exercise common sense to think on their own. If we don’t learn from history we are bound to repeat it – as the saying goes – and we are on track for this dictator to declare “Hail Trump!” as the salute of America.

What is going to come of this, if not a total dictatorship, a lot of dirt will start coming to the surface. Do you even think that Mulvany, or Sonderland, or any other staff members being fired over “disloyalty” to the Trump, that they won’t go out and write books or pen op ed articles for the New York Time of Washington Post? The skeletons will come out of the closet in droves exposing the nightmares that comes along with Halloween. In the end, the 52 republicans will see the error of their ways, but it will be too late – the damage will have been done.

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