Saturday, February 8, 2020

A little history prospective…

A little history prospective…

So far in the history of the United States of America there has been three Presidents that have been impeached but none removed. What is interesting is when you review the votes in both the House and the Senate, the process has be partisan throughout history.

Interestingly enough, the first two impeachments were of Presidents that were Democrats and the vote to Impeach was done by a majority of House members that were republican.

In the Andrew Johnson (Democrat) impeachment, there were 124 Republicans in the House and 49 Democrats. Republicans voted 122 to 45 to impeach President Johnson. In the Bill Clinton (Democrat) case, there were 228 Republicans and 205 Democrats in the House. Republicans voted 223 to 200 to impeach President Clinton.

It doesn’t take a genius to see that both impeachments were partisan in nature with Republicans acting against a Democrat President.

It is even more evident when you look at the Senate. In Andrew Johnson’s case, the Senate was made up of 54 Republicans and 9 Democrats and the final vote was 35 Republicans voting guilty verses 9 Democrats not guilty. Likewise, in Clinton’s case there were 55 Republicans and 45 Democrats with a final vote of 45 Republicans guilty and 45 Democrats not guilty.

Up until this point, history shows that the Republican party historically has been the catalysis behind pulling apart America on such a decisive issue of removing a President. For the FIRST time in history, Democrats acted against a Republican President and they are being gutted and flayed for fermenting divisiveness in America.

Trump was impeached in the House that was predominately Democrat – 231 to 195 Republicans – and the vote was 229 Democrats to 0 Republicans to impeach. In the Senate, for the first time in history, the Senate majority was made up of the same political party as the President. Their the vote was 52 Republicans voted not guilty verses 45 Democrats voting guilty. NEVER in the history was an impeachment shown to be more partisan of an action.

So, when someone says that the action to impeach Trump was partisan, they are correct, just as they would be correct in stating that the jury (Senate) was partisan in their decision to vote not guilty.

Neither party did America any favors.  

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