Saturday, February 22, 2020

More on Roger Stone

One of Mr. Thumps pundits – Roger Stone – has files a motion on the grounds that one juror was able to be unbiased in her consideration of his guilt or innocence and therefore should be acquitted.  I wonder if one could file a motion with the U.S. Supreme Court Justice who presided over the Trump impeachment on the grounds that 52 senators failed to be impartial and actually had made up their mind BEFORE any testimony was presented and WITHOUT calling any witnesses? After all, the Republican party wants to hound on the issue that this was a “trial” and Trump was never given the opportunity to defend himself.

Oh! But Wait! That would not be fair to poor, little old Mr. Trump … NOT!!!

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

The Unthinkable

The Unthinkable

The unthinkable, but under the circumstances not the unimagined, has started. Mr. Trump has started a political purge the likes of which has not been seen in the United States. Yes, it happens all the time in third world countries, but it has NEVER happened in the United States.

Mr. Trump has started his political purge with the removal of the Vindmans and Sonderland with still more promised. He just recently nominated US Attorney Jesse Liu to Under Secretary of the US Treasury and then abruptly with drew the nomination with no stated reason. However, Ms. Liu had been overseeing the criminal investigation of Andrew McCabe, former acting FBI director when she was nominated, and her replacement was announced. In retrospect, it would appear to have been a orchestrated maneuver to remove someone that was not doing his bidding.

Then we have Michael Flynn who was to be sentenced to six months in jail based on a recommendation by the Department of Justice attorneys assigned to the case when suddenly, the DOJ turned around and recommended probation after Mr. Trump interceded. Now, he has done it again, though he denies it, with Roger Stone. The US Attorney’s assigned the case (all five of them) recommended that Mr. Stone get 7-9 years after being found guilty on several accounts. But when Mr. Trump expressed his displeasure, the DOJ in Washington changed its recommendations leaving it up to the judge but noting the previous recommendation was excessive.

As usual, Mr. Trump is denying he asked for action, but let us be real about it. Mr. Trump has already taken action against a number of people that refused to do his bidding and instead stand up for the values of the United States, and they got ‘fired.’ It is not beyond imagination that Attorney General Barr sees the writing on the wall and figured that since Mr. Trump expressed his displeasure over the sentence recommendation of Mr. Stone, that if he didn’t do something, he would be next in line. Fear has ruled the office of President and the DOJ – and many other departments – and has become a recipe for democratic disaster.

If Americans are so stupid to re-elect Mr. Trump to the office of President, they deserve everything that follows. Hopefully, however, reason will prevail and if Mr. Trump is re-elected, then hopefully enough people will have the common sense to put enough democrats in the House and Senate to provide veto proof legislation. Congress needs to take back its role as one of the three co-equal branches of government. If it doesn’t, then it will be equality to blame for what comes next.

I fear for what the future holds for the United States if reason and love of country is set aside for love of the party. The recipe has already been written and used numerous times throughout history and all we need to do is look to Russia, China, Korea, etc. to see what could lie in our future.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

A little history prospective…

A little history prospective…

So far in the history of the United States of America there has been three Presidents that have been impeached but none removed. What is interesting is when you review the votes in both the House and the Senate, the process has be partisan throughout history.

Interestingly enough, the first two impeachments were of Presidents that were Democrats and the vote to Impeach was done by a majority of House members that were republican.

In the Andrew Johnson (Democrat) impeachment, there were 124 Republicans in the House and 49 Democrats. Republicans voted 122 to 45 to impeach President Johnson. In the Bill Clinton (Democrat) case, there were 228 Republicans and 205 Democrats in the House. Republicans voted 223 to 200 to impeach President Clinton.

It doesn’t take a genius to see that both impeachments were partisan in nature with Republicans acting against a Democrat President.

It is even more evident when you look at the Senate. In Andrew Johnson’s case, the Senate was made up of 54 Republicans and 9 Democrats and the final vote was 35 Republicans voting guilty verses 9 Democrats not guilty. Likewise, in Clinton’s case there were 55 Republicans and 45 Democrats with a final vote of 45 Republicans guilty and 45 Democrats not guilty.

Up until this point, history shows that the Republican party historically has been the catalysis behind pulling apart America on such a decisive issue of removing a President. For the FIRST time in history, Democrats acted against a Republican President and they are being gutted and flayed for fermenting divisiveness in America.

Trump was impeached in the House that was predominately Democrat – 231 to 195 Republicans – and the vote was 229 Democrats to 0 Republicans to impeach. In the Senate, for the first time in history, the Senate majority was made up of the same political party as the President. Their the vote was 52 Republicans voted not guilty verses 45 Democrats voting guilty. NEVER in the history was an impeachment shown to be more partisan of an action.

So, when someone says that the action to impeach Trump was partisan, they are correct, just as they would be correct in stating that the jury (Senate) was partisan in their decision to vote not guilty.

Neither party did America any favors.  

So, the impeachment of Donald Trump is over with…or is it?

So, the impeachment of Donald Trump is over with…or is it?

History will record the last 3 weeks as democracy that has failed. It failed because 52 republican senators violated their oath of office and violated their oath to be an impartial jury during the impeachment “trail.” For the first time in the history of the United States an impeachment called no witnesses and did not subpoena documents in order to ferret out the truth of guilt or innocence.  They let the head of the republican party bully and intimidate them to erode their integrity and violate their oath.

Like a dictator that has risen to power, Mr. Trump has started the purge of his staff. Replacing those individuals that saw that their oath of office and the principles of the United States of American were more important that any party, any person in office, and their jobs. This is a president that now feels impowered, like so many dictators in history, to do whatever he wants to do. If he feels it is in the national interest, he could suspend the constitution – do what ever he wants because MOST republicans don’t have any balls to stand up to him or exercise common sense to think on their own. If we don’t learn from history we are bound to repeat it – as the saying goes – and we are on track for this dictator to declare “Hail Trump!” as the salute of America.

What is going to come of this, if not a total dictatorship, a lot of dirt will start coming to the surface. Do you even think that Mulvany, or Sonderland, or any other staff members being fired over “disloyalty” to the Trump, that they won’t go out and write books or pen op ed articles for the New York Time of Washington Post? The skeletons will come out of the closet in droves exposing the nightmares that comes along with Halloween. In the end, the 52 republicans will see the error of their ways, but it will be too late – the damage will have been done.