Sunday, March 26, 2017

When is a Duck a Duck

So, here is Trumps promises to the people who elected him.

“The Wall” – a build a wall between the US and Mexico and have Mexico pay for it. How likely is this to happen? Oh, the chances are better in winning the lottery then then wall being built. But remember, he did promise the wall and if he doesn’t do it with Mexico paying for it, then it will be just like any other elected official – a lying politician.

“Lock Her Up” – of course he is referring to Hillary Clinton and the issue of her email server and destroyed emails. Now this one will be more likely to happen than the wall but it will have the strong smell of “revenge” for all the things said during election campaign.

“Muslim Ban” – already this promise has undergone some changes BEFORE Mr. Trump was elected President. So, will this happen? In some form, probably, but not in the form he originally promised, so again getting out of the starting gate, Trump has all the hallmarks of a lying politician.

“Repeal Obamacare” – sadly, with the House and Senate lacking the votes and balls, he will probably succeed. But at what cost? 20 million people suddenly without insurance. Suddenly being denied the care they need because they cannot afford health insurance or the cost of health care. That is triple the number of Jews killed during World War II. For God sake, why should people have to make the choice between putting food on the table or paying $600 for one injection of life saving Epinephrine manufactured by a company that has not paid income taxed on its profits on the sale of this drug?

“Undo NAFTA and Not Approve TPP” – again, sadly, Mr. Trump will probably succeed here as well at what has been estimated to be to the tune of 9 million American’s losing their jobs.

So these are the top five (5) promises. Will Mr. Trump be able to fulfill these promises? With the exception of the first two, probably but at what cost? Who do we as a people, through our elected representatives, decide who will be banned next? Jews? Catholics? Asians? Hispanics? What other external traits will one need to have in order to be able to be a citizen in these United States? Non-Italian ancestry? Blue eyes? Blond hair? Does this make us any better than the regimes of North Korea, China, Russia, Syria.

In closing, remember, lets remember – Mr. Trump did NOT get elected by the majority of voters. 189,000 more people voted for Ms. Clinton then they voted for Mr. Trump. But the rigged system that Mr. Trump talked about so much, worked to his advantage and again, like in 2000, the electoral college stole the popular vote of the American people.

Mr. Trump has been called many things but more importantly, he is a politician. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck then it must be a politician. AND POLITICIANS LIE! There can be no excuses. But remember, you all voted for him based on his promises and if he fails to fulfil those promises, he’s lied to you – not to me because I saw a duck!

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