Sunday, March 26, 2017

Draining the Swamp

Drain the Swamp?

President-Elect Trump promised to “drain the swamp” referring to the political insiders in Washington, DC and, therefore, form a government more main stream to make “American Great Again!” We all know that campaign slogan. But like all politicians – and it doesn’t matter what side of the aisle they are on – they lie and promise the work in order to get your votes. President-Elect has also promised, after the election, to be the President for everyone. Lo and behold, President-Elect Trump has appointed Reince Priebus, Chairman of the Republican National Committee, as his chief of staff; Steve Bannon, President of Breitbart News as his Chief Advisor.

On one hand, Priebus represents the established political machine in Washington, DC and rather than drain the swamp, he has added his chief alligator to swamp. Bannon, is no better. As president of Breitbart News, he is behind the racist, homophobic, bigot, anti-Semitic line of rhetoric commonly printed in that “news” media. A new media supported by the like of the head of the KKK.

Other appointments in key position of his Administration reeks of political cronyism with his lead supporters being put forth as his choices for various positions. Ironically, most of those positions are white male (and let us not forget that a large number of administrative staff of Obama’s were black males and females and a disproportionate number of whites – so it works both ways).

These appointments were done to “pay off” the cronies that supported him and in some cases exerted bullying technics to bring other members of the Republican Party in line.

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