Sunday, March 26, 2017

Unfair Tax


Aside from the healthcare issue, President Trump has repealed the executive order that capped corporate expenses associated with executive parachutes that could be used to off-set corporate income taxes. Under Obama Executive Orders, only the first $500,000 of an executive parachute could be applied to the expense line and thereby reducing corporate income tax. President Trump’s repeal of that rule now allows ALL of an executive parachute to be shown as an expense to the corporation and thereby reduce its tax liability. So, for example, Carrier Tolstedt, the Wells Fargo manager that supervised that whole Well Fargo fraud debacle, got a $125,000,000 parachute. Under Obama executive order only $500,000 of that could be charged off as an expense; under Trump’s executive order the entire $125 million can be charges off as an expense. The average corporate income tax rate is 35% therefore, the tax difference is $175,000 reduction in corporate income tax verses $4,375,000 – nice payday for a corporation.

Can you define Paranoia

PARANOIA – (noun) - a mental condition characterized by delusions of persecution, unwarranted jealousy, or exaggerated self-importance, typically elaborated into an organized system. It may be an aspect of chronic personality disorder, of drug abuse, or of a serious condition such as schizophrenia in which the person loses touch with reality; suspicion and mistrust of people or their actions without evidence or justification.

According to Wikipedia, “Paranoia is a thought process believed to be heavily influenced by anxiety or fear, often to the point of delusion and irrationality. Paranoid thinking typically includes persecutory, or beliefs of conspiracy concerning a perceived threat towards oneself (e.g. "Everyone is out to get me"). Paranoia is distinct from phobias, which also involve irrational fear, but usually no blame. Making false accusations and the general distrust of others also frequently accompany paranoia. For example, an incident most people would view as an accident or coincidence, a paranoid person might believe was intentional.”

Does this sound like someone you know? Does that person have one finger on a red button that says “launch?” Does this person have access to our nation’s closest held secrets?

Health Care

I am not sure how much people just don’t know how screwed up our country’s health care system is. First and foremost, rich millionaire/billionaires are making more money on the sick and injured which to me seems so un-Christian to say nothing of being immoral. Drug companies charge 300%-400% more than the cost of producing a drug; hospital charge patients without insurance $5,000 for an MRI but only charge the insurance company $2,000; or a hospital charges $17,000 simply to have an Medivac Helicopter land on its helipad. One faith based hospital has made over a billion dollars in profit in just one calendar year! They in fact have so much cash, they have created their own insurance company for their employees and Medicare patients. PLUS their executives get 6 and 7 figure salaries.

Now ObamaCare or the Affordable Care Act was not perfect. It had it issues, but people need to understand that addressing a single issue in healthcare does NOT resolve the problem. To bring healthcare cost in line you need to address insurance company premiums, health care costs, and tort reform. Healthcare since the beginning has been based on a “cost shifting” principle of cost and charges for services. Essentially, the cost of healthcare includes the cost of providing the service plus losses due to bad debt (those that don’t pay) PLUS the losses due to what insurance companies do not cover PLUS cost of administrative/executive salaries and parachutes PLUS a profit margin. Those costs are then offset by premiums, investment incomes, or reduction of payments to providers. Now, if cost increase, then premiums go up – we’ve all seen that; but what if healthcare cost decrease? Well, in over 40 years I have NEVER seen premiums go down – NEVER. If one element of healthcare cost decrease, they just increase the profit margin or executive salaries to justify the premiums OR negotiate the payments to healthcare providers to decrease their payments and increase their profits.

Now granted, some healthcare providers over charge – by a LOT – but other healthcare providers are just barely able to make ends meet. So much so that as reimbursement from insurance companies decrease, the level of services (and therefore cost) on the part of the provider are decreased. Maybe staff is cut; or that old xray machine goes unrepaired; or hours are changed; or the provider simply drops patients that have certain insurance coverages and patients are forced to find new physicians.

Now the GOP has come along to try to put their own spin on HealthCare calling it the American HealthCare Plan. It does NOT address many of the problems with the AHC Act but compounds it and makes it worst. Now granted the current proposal is going to be changed, but here are some facts about the GOP plan as presented:

The “Cadilac tax” – the tax that is charged to individuals for having a comprehensive health care plan – remains;

The Top 1% who earn more than $774,000 would average a $33,000 tax cut according to the Tax Policy Center; the top 0.1% would get an average tax cut of $197,000.

You can contribute more to a health savings account (HSA) but you have to have the money to invest into the HSA. If you don’t have the money to begin with you cannot contribute to the HSA. The proposed HSA contribution has gone from $3,400 to $6,550 per year for a single person.

Under the current plan, an individual making more than $47,500 is not eligible for a subsidy but under the GOP plan, if an individual make up to $75,000 they can claim the full tax credit. The tax credit will not be based on income but the age of the insured and ranges from $2,000 to $14,000/year with the higher tax credits going to those around 27 years old and making the maximum of $75,000; and those with the lowest tax credits being individuals around 60 years old and making less $50,000.

There will be no mandate for insurance coverage. What this means is that the public tax dollars will subsidize younger users of the healthcare system (yea, taxpayers will end up paying either way). For example, the young driver of an automobile involved in a serious auto accident with no health insurance, could easily rake up cost of over $250 thousand dollars. Auto insurance may pay $10,000 leaving the balance of $240,000 un-paid and in most cases coming out of tax payer coffers under increase taxes to subsidize hospital services or increased state taxes to cover Medicaid costs.

What the politicians failed to recognize in their development of the AHA was that people are going to pay as little as they have to if they are mandated to get insurance. Think about – you are in your twenties, you make around $25,000 a year and you are mandated to get health insurance. Your choice is a silver plan that has a maximum out of pocket of $2,300 but you pay $100 per month in premium and the government subsidies the remaining $350/month; OR, you choose the bronze plan that has maximum out of pocket of $6,000 but your monthly premiums are only $5.00 per month.  It would seem to be a no brainer… pay $1200 a year or $60 a year out of your $25,000?…you’re young, nothing is going to happen to you, beside you really don’t need insurance but the government says you have to have it. You will go with the least expensive insurance policy. And then BAM!!!!! Something happens, you have appendicitis and you now have a $33,000 hospital bill. Under the bronze plan, your maximum out of pocket is $6,000 but that is $6,000 you don’t have so you are now $6,000 in debt and you curse the day you got the health insurance because it didn’t cover your health care needs. It didn’t cover your health care not because of the system, but because you were being short sighted and wanted to save that money.

Now what if there was no mandates. Well I have seen it time and time again, particularly with motorcycle accidents.  The motorcycle rider is not wearing a helmet, loses control, slams against the tree and is knock unconscious. Upon waking up in the hospital, they are paralyzed from the neck down.  They have no PIP coverage on a motorcycle, no medical benefits, no health insurance, but is now faced with millions of dollars of lifetime care. So what happens, the patient ends up on Medicaid to cover their health care costs and guess who pays for Medicaid – you and I – the taxpayer.

Even the pre-AHA was not perfect. I know of a patient that is on Medicaid that has racked up over $85,000 in ambulance bills. She gets transported to the hospital every two-three days and Florida Medicaid pays a portion of that bill each time. Why hasn’t someone recognized that there is a problem here? This is over use and abuse of the Medicaid program all at the expense of the taxpayer. But government turns a blind eye to the problem and they want to know why people are so pissed about the state of Health Care in the United States. This patient cannot be held financially responsible for their overuse of the service so there is no disincentive for the patient to stop the abuse. They will continue to take advantage of free rides to the hospital as long as government allows it to happen.

Trade Way on the Horizon

So, this is how unbridled economic war results on global losers…

Ford continues to manufacture cars in Mexico;

Trump/GOP imposes a 35% tariff on cars manufactured in Mexico and brought into the US;

Ford would have to pay $2.8 BILLION in tariffs;

Ford sold approximately 2,610,000 vehicles in 2015. Divide that number into $2.8 BILLIION and each car would increase $1071;

Because the 35% tariff would apply to all other car manufacturers, cars made in the United States would have little competition, resulting in an increase in domestically manufactured vehicles (law of supply and demand in a capitalist economy);

As prices increase, more and more cars would become financially out of the reach of the middle and lower class citizen. Few car sells result in fewer cars needed to be manufacturer;

Fewer cars manufacturer mean fewer employees;

Fewer employees mean higher un-employment;

Higher employment means cost of other good increase because those that are unable to purchase goods because they are unemployed result in lower demand and increased cost;

Increase cost in these other goods result in lower production, fewer jobs and an increase in unemployment;

Increased unemployment result in more and more foreclosures in homes as those unemployed cannot afford homes. Fewer homes means few employees and higher unemployment;

As homes are foreclosed on, more and more banks go into receivership;

As more and more banks go into receivership, fewer and fewer banks can be bailed out because the Federal government no longer the money;

As more and more banks fail, savings of the American public disappear…

Total Net Worth of Obama Cabinet - $2.75 BILLION (Center for Responsive Politics, 2010). So far, Trump’s Cabinet nominees are worth $11 BILLION (Boston Globe, December 2, 2016). When was the last time a BILLIONAIRE supported increasing his/her taxes for the benefit of the middle-class? Dahhh…Warren Buffett. Definitely not Trump/GOP because he’s “smart” and knows how to pay less in taxes…and let’s not forget, the “uneducated” are his favorite people. Just like the “uneducated” was another tyrant’s favorite who surrounded himself with the elite and killed millions.

Draining the Swamp

Drain the Swamp?

President-Elect Trump promised to “drain the swamp” referring to the political insiders in Washington, DC and, therefore, form a government more main stream to make “American Great Again!” We all know that campaign slogan. But like all politicians – and it doesn’t matter what side of the aisle they are on – they lie and promise the work in order to get your votes. President-Elect has also promised, after the election, to be the President for everyone. Lo and behold, President-Elect Trump has appointed Reince Priebus, Chairman of the Republican National Committee, as his chief of staff; Steve Bannon, President of Breitbart News as his Chief Advisor.

On one hand, Priebus represents the established political machine in Washington, DC and rather than drain the swamp, he has added his chief alligator to swamp. Bannon, is no better. As president of Breitbart News, he is behind the racist, homophobic, bigot, anti-Semitic line of rhetoric commonly printed in that “news” media. A new media supported by the like of the head of the KKK.

Other appointments in key position of his Administration reeks of political cronyism with his lead supporters being put forth as his choices for various positions. Ironically, most of those positions are white male (and let us not forget that a large number of administrative staff of Obama’s were black males and females and a disproportionate number of whites – so it works both ways).

These appointments were done to “pay off” the cronies that supported him and in some cases exerted bullying technics to bring other members of the Republican Party in line.

When is a Duck a Duck

So, here is Trumps promises to the people who elected him.

“The Wall” – a build a wall between the US and Mexico and have Mexico pay for it. How likely is this to happen? Oh, the chances are better in winning the lottery then then wall being built. But remember, he did promise the wall and if he doesn’t do it with Mexico paying for it, then it will be just like any other elected official – a lying politician.

“Lock Her Up” – of course he is referring to Hillary Clinton and the issue of her email server and destroyed emails. Now this one will be more likely to happen than the wall but it will have the strong smell of “revenge” for all the things said during election campaign.

“Muslim Ban” – already this promise has undergone some changes BEFORE Mr. Trump was elected President. So, will this happen? In some form, probably, but not in the form he originally promised, so again getting out of the starting gate, Trump has all the hallmarks of a lying politician.

“Repeal Obamacare” – sadly, with the House and Senate lacking the votes and balls, he will probably succeed. But at what cost? 20 million people suddenly without insurance. Suddenly being denied the care they need because they cannot afford health insurance or the cost of health care. That is triple the number of Jews killed during World War II. For God sake, why should people have to make the choice between putting food on the table or paying $600 for one injection of life saving Epinephrine manufactured by a company that has not paid income taxed on its profits on the sale of this drug?

“Undo NAFTA and Not Approve TPP” – again, sadly, Mr. Trump will probably succeed here as well at what has been estimated to be to the tune of 9 million American’s losing their jobs.

So these are the top five (5) promises. Will Mr. Trump be able to fulfill these promises? With the exception of the first two, probably but at what cost? Who do we as a people, through our elected representatives, decide who will be banned next? Jews? Catholics? Asians? Hispanics? What other external traits will one need to have in order to be able to be a citizen in these United States? Non-Italian ancestry? Blue eyes? Blond hair? Does this make us any better than the regimes of North Korea, China, Russia, Syria.

In closing, remember, lets remember – Mr. Trump did NOT get elected by the majority of voters. 189,000 more people voted for Ms. Clinton then they voted for Mr. Trump. But the rigged system that Mr. Trump talked about so much, worked to his advantage and again, like in 2000, the electoral college stole the popular vote of the American people.

Mr. Trump has been called many things but more importantly, he is a politician. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck then it must be a politician. AND POLITICIANS LIE! There can be no excuses. But remember, you all voted for him based on his promises and if he fails to fulfil those promises, he’s lied to you – not to me because I saw a duck!