Thursday, October 27, 2016

Republican or Democrate?

I have avoided making public statements concerning this year’s political process because it has been so F---ed up and nasty. He said, She said. But I just cannot continue to sit back and take this bullshit. Am I hell bent on either candidate? Nope…this is truly a year in which the “less of two evils” is going to be the best choice we can make as voters.
Is Trump and Clinton being 100% honest with the public? F--- NO! and if you believe they are you need to find a little padded room and stay there for a while. In balance, however, I do believe Clinton more than I do Trump.

Now, as a registered Republican for most of my voting age life; and having a father and at least one brother that I know of that are staunch Republicans and card holding NRA members, I know from where I speak… I have never, however, blindly voted along party lines but the fact is I don’t believe in everything that the Republican party stands for – or the Democratic party for that matter. I have voted for the person I THINK – not the party – best serves my interest and in the best interest of our nation. End of Story. There can be no compromise.
I believe in the 2nd amendment, I do NOT believe that gives someone the right to kill someone with a gun; it does not give them the right to have access to weapons of war – and lets face it, an M16, or AK47 are weapons of war, just as much as that cruise or hellfire stinger missile.

I believe in freedom of choice for a woman; which means I believe that a woman, and only a woman, in collaboration with her physician, can best determine what is right for her and her body. I don’t necessarily like the idea of abortion and in a perfect world, every teenager would have their tubes tied until they went through a class about the responsibilities of being a mother or a father and be required to meet a minimum age requirement…but we know that is never going to happen. So in the meantime, guys are going to stick their peckers were it doesn’t belong and girls are going to spread their legs just so that they can have a baby like their girlfriend, and then mistreat, abandon or fail to properly take care of a child – but that is another issue for another day.
I believe everyone has a right to healthcare and should never have to worry about whether they can afford to have this surgery or that in order to maintain a quality of life. I believe in Universal HealthCare and feel that the Affordable Health Care Act is so F---ed up because Republicans worked so hard to ensure their retirement funds (most of which depend on health insurance companies making money) continued to grow that they gutted the true objective. A friend of mine died because the Health Care system refused to treat him because he did not have insurance.

I believe that this world can and needs to be a safer place to live in but I also know that not everyone, or every country, holds those ideals and, therefore, we need a strong military. At the same time I do not believe we should be the world’s law enforcement arm.  I also believe that if we cannot have a verifiable nuclear free world, then we, the United States, need the most and biggest nuclear bombs at our disposal as a deterrent, but we also need the safe guards, and leadership, that is responsible. With great power comes great responsibility and we need to make sure that as a people that we make sure that the best leadership is elected.
I believe in capitalism – the basic frame work of our country – but I do not believe in opportunistic capitalism where the capital carnivores feed on the employee and take advantage. Wealth should be shared. Good performance rewarded and bad performance punished. CEOs should not be getting millions of dollars in parachutes for bringing a company down. Exxon, Shell, GE, Apple, etc. should be paying their fair share in taxes; and if they want to take their businesses overseas, then their products should have stiff Tariffs added to the existing tariffs to make it less profitable for these companies to go overseas and bring their products back into the US. It should be a crime when a company like Shell, Exxon, or even Trump himself, can go without paying income taxed when I have paid income taxes every year for my entire life since I was old enough to work!

I believe we are a country made up of immigrants and don’t under it when someone says they we have illegal immigrants and yet the immigrants are allowed to remain free. What is the difference between an “illegal” immigrant and someone who stole a box of macaroni and cheese from a store? The person that stole goes to jail; the “illegal” immigrant is allowed to continue to roam free. Every immigrant should have to enter this country legally like every other immigrant has for the last 200 plus years. Even my great grandfather came from England as an indentured servant but he came over legally.
I believe in capital punishment and justice. This means not staying on death row for 10, 20, 30 years or more at tax payer expense. It means a fair justice system and, if found guilty, appropriate punishment.

I believe in the rule of law. Regardless of color. Law enforcement officers’ are not without their faults – most are good, honest people, but some are downright power hungry assholes. Law enforcement needs to work on cleaning up their own ranks and dispense with this “brotherhood” mentality that condones, and encourages, law enforcement officers turning a blind eye to what their fellow officers are doing wrong.
Soooo…I have rambled enough. I need to save some stuff for later because this is going to be a long 2 weeks!!!

Come back and visit me on my soap box often.

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