Sunday, October 30, 2016

Clinton email scandal – NOT AGAIN!

It has started all over again. Just 12 short days before the elections, the Director of the FBI, has saw fit to issues a letter announcing that emails that may be related to the Clinton email server issue have been discovered. With out releasing details, the FBI Director saw fit, contrary to policy of the department, to release a vague statement, to the chairmen of various oversight committee chairs (all of which are Republican) that creates doubt not only on the Clinton campaign but on the reliability of the FBI to do the job.

The director of the FBI recently announced that in conjunction with a separate and unrelated investigation against Congressman Weiner, that they have found emails that may have come from the Clinton server. Of course, the operative word here is “may” as there is no connection now known to anyone, not even the FBI, that these emails contain sensitive, confidential, or otherwise secret information. To indicate that these emails contain sensitive, confidential, or otherwise secret information is only conjecture and serves no purpose other than to sway the outcome of the upcoming elections. And yet the Trump campaign has seized upon this letter from the FBI director as statements of fact - that in fact sensitive, confidential, and otherwise secret information was distributed to unauthorized individuals via the Clinton server and in so doing has committed a criminal act of treason.

Now here are three theories I have:

1.       The emails are in fact from the Clinton server but after review the FBI will find that they are copies of the same emails previously reviewed by the FBI. It makes sense, since the newly discovered emails were actually found on Weiner’s device and not his wife’s or Hilleary Clinton’s device(s), and Weiner’s wife has already gave to the FBI her device. Would it not make sense that husband and wife would be sending each other emails and what may have been found on the husband’s device as well?

2.       The FBI Director, was so embarrassed by his party (which by the way is Republican), that it found it necessary to take a tad bit of information and himself “leak” it out with vague statements to redeem himself to the Republican Party

3.       Or, and this is my favorite because it fits in with the whole trend of this election, Trump used his Billions of dollars, and paid the FBI Director to re-open the case of the Clinton email in order to bolster his campaign. This would explain why and how Trump knew that this was going to happen. Remember, he has made the comment wait until the truth comes out in October concerning Clinton’s Email Server. That would indicate that Trump had foreknowledge of what the FBI was doing or had a hand in it. Talking about a rigged election…Why now use the Billions of dollars that Trump has and just buy the election?

So who is right? It is anyone’s guess as no one knows. Trump, with all of his innuendos and accusations of fact, either has the facts because he was part of the conspiracy (see theory 3, above), or they are nothing more than hearsay with no factual basis designed for political consumption and full of bullshit… (my vote is on the later).

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