Saturday, October 5, 2019

Senator Rick Scott Is not Doing His job

Rick Scott, and his staff, are not doing their job by representing the interest of their constituents. More specifically, an attempt has been made twice through the email site of Senator Scott, and twice on Facebook, for his assistance in finding out the status of my father’s cremains which were sent to Mayport NAS in Jacksonville for Burial at Sea. NO ONE – INCLUDING HIS STAFF – HAS MADE ANY CONTACT WITH ME OR WITH THE US NAVY TO ADDRESS THIS ISSUE.It has now been over 18 months and my father has still not been buried at sea and they have no idea when it will be accomplished.

Now, the US Navy in Mayport NAS did finally after 5 weeks respond to my letter, but Senator Rick Scott has saw fit to get his bald head mug plastered in the media for various reasons, rather than show compassion and interest in a veteran and his family.

SENATOR RICK SCOTT NEEDS TO BE ELECTED OUT OF OFFICE ASAP for failure to perform.  With any other company, he would have been fired or demoted for his lack of work. Not only has he failed to respond to his constituents, but he has also join the Republican Majority by blocking virtually every piece of legislature resulting in virtually no new laws during his tenure.

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