Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Impeachment vs. Criminal

The lastest White House tactic that it has been instituted to delay the House Impeachment Inquiry is the issuing of a letter in which the White House states, among other reasons, that the house committees is not giving the president the opportunity to call witnesses or present a defense.

The trouble with this excuse is that the White House is looking at impeachment as a criminal proceeding, which it isn’t. It is a congressional procedure that is govern by the rules of the House (and Senate) and the Constitution. Under the constitution, impeachment is treated as a non-criminal procedure as evidenced by the fact that the President can only be removed from office, if the Senate so votes, and not Removed and placed in jail.

But let us assume that the argument is valid, and this would be considered a criminal procedure. The House investigation is akin to a grand jury investigation in which the defendant is never given the opportunity to present their defense – NEVER! The grand jury only takes the facts presented to it by the state/district attorney and determines if a trial is warranted or not. If the Grand Jury (House of Representatives) decides there is enough evidence, then it goes to trial (the Senate). It is at this point that the defendant (the President) can present witnesses, cross exam testimony, etc.

However, this, again, is NOT a criminal procedure. It is a constitutional power granted to the House and Senate by the U.S. Constitution to protect another branch of the government from abusing its authority that ultimate protects us as Americans.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Senator Rick Scott Is not Doing His job

Rick Scott, and his staff, are not doing their job by representing the interest of their constituents. More specifically, an attempt has been made twice through the email site of Senator Scott, and twice on Facebook, for his assistance in finding out the status of my father’s cremains which were sent to Mayport NAS in Jacksonville for Burial at Sea. NO ONE – INCLUDING HIS STAFF – HAS MADE ANY CONTACT WITH ME OR WITH THE US NAVY TO ADDRESS THIS ISSUE.It has now been over 18 months and my father has still not been buried at sea and they have no idea when it will be accomplished.

Now, the US Navy in Mayport NAS did finally after 5 weeks respond to my letter, but Senator Rick Scott has saw fit to get his bald head mug plastered in the media for various reasons, rather than show compassion and interest in a veteran and his family.

SENATOR RICK SCOTT NEEDS TO BE ELECTED OUT OF OFFICE ASAP for failure to perform.  With any other company, he would have been fired or demoted for his lack of work. Not only has he failed to respond to his constituents, but he has also join the Republican Majority by blocking virtually every piece of legislature resulting in virtually no new laws during his tenure.


Until recently I was not a supporter of the impeachment of Mr. Trump solely based on the premise...why? Even if it passes the house, there is no way that the Republican control Senate will allow the President to be impeached because they fear for their jobs and positions in the Senate. After all where can you go, get $170K plus benefits, and not do your job? (See related article on Senator Rick Scott (R-FL)).

However, this whole thing with Ukraine and asking for them to investigate Joe Biden, one of his competitors for the position of President in 2020 went too far. It clear it was a swapping of favors for political gain. Now some say that there is no different between that and what other Presidents have done by negotiating deals with other counties. Well it is in ONE and only ONE very important way…It was deal between President Trump, to discredit a potential presidential nominee and competitor for the sake of securing his re-election to the office of president.

It is not something that has come to be expected from the leader of the United States…from Cuba, or one of those 3rd world countries – but not the United States.

So, yes impeachment is necessary and supported by the facts. If the republican senate does  not do their job, then they need to be elected out of office. NEVER, EVER should party comes before country. When it does, that party no longer deserves the support or respect of the citizens of the United States and needs to be disbanded.