Saturday, June 29, 2019

HealthCare for Illegal Immigrants

Okay, so it has been a while since I have posted anything to this blog. Often my post on this blog go unseen or unheard and that’s okay. At least I can get something off my chest and just maybe someone will one day read it.

Today my subject is health care – AGAIN!!!

This time it is about what has been proposed by the Democrats. Now don’t get me wrong, I switched from Republican to Democrat solely because of the asshole of a President we have in the form of Donald Trump. He is a rich, spoiled, misogynistic, self-center, paranoid, egotistical, idiot of a President that is an embarrassment to the United States of America and what we stand for. But the Democrats have pushed one of my buttons that I find myself having to take the time to speak up against them.

HEALTH CARE FOR ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS !! What in the hell are the democrats trying to do!?!?! We can not even provide cost effective health care to native born citizen of the United States and we are wanting to offer FREE healthcare to anyone in the world!?!? That is what the Democrats did when they all raised their hands at Wednesday’s debate to the question of offering free healthcare to illegal immigrants!!!  They exacerbated the immigration situation by making that offer. Now not only will immigrants look to enter the US illegally to take advantage of the economic opportunities, but we willing to offer them FREE healthcare!?!?! YOU JUST MADE THE ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION SITUATION WORSE!!!

STOP!!! We need to get Trump out of office. We don’t do that by supporting illegal immigrants and offer them more rights and services than our own citizens. If the party continues down that road, it will lose to Trump and I don’t think the United States can survive another 4 years of that.

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